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Student Council Raise Awareness of Humanimal Trust

Posted on 3rd March 2023

Enrichment Coordinator Marco Martinelli, Daisy M, Joe Bailey, Poppy B and Dan R.

In February, the Student Council hosted Humanimal Awareness Week at the college. Posters went up on digital screens and noticeboards, and a successful quiz was organised to raise awareness amongst students for the relatively unknown charity and help the trust achieve its goals.

The Council also arranged for the CEO of Humanimal Trust, Joe Bailey, to give a talk to aspiring vets, medics and general animal lovers. Joe highlighted the need for scientists, medics and vets to collaborate to create a more inclusive, kind and compassionate care system.

The talk was very well received, with students raising questions about animal testing, morals, and veganism. Joe's passion and enthusiasm certainly inspired the next generation of medical professionals.

The Student Council have certainly raised the profile of a worthwhile and relevant charity amongst the student population and in the local area. We can't wait to see what the Council is up to this term!

Set up by Noel Fitzpatrick in 2014, Humanimal Trust strives for One Medicine, a universal health system where human and animal science intertwine for the good of all. Find out more about .